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ionil T® 消屑易洗頭水能舒緩頭皮痕癢﹑皮屑等問題,更有助消炎,並可清潔頭髮及維護頭部健康。



ionil T® 消屑易洗頭水含有活性成分焦油 4.25% 及水楊酸 2%

  1. 焦油( Coal tar - 焦油被廣泛應用作去頭屑洗髮水接近100(1),是控制頭部炎症性皮膚病的一線治療方法之一(2)。焦油可以止痕﹑消炎﹑抑制真菌﹑控油﹑促進死皮剝落,及減慢表皮細胞生長(3-6)
  2. 水楊酸(Salicylic acid - 可以止痕(7)﹑消炎(7)﹑有助去角質(8),並可促進其它活性成分在皮膚的滲透率(9)



  1. Goeckerman WH. The treatment of psoriasis. Northwest Medicine. 1925;24:229–230.
  2. National Institute for Health and Care Excellence. Psoriasis: assessment and management. Clinical guideline [CG153] Published date: October 2012 Last updated: September 2017. Available:
  3. Borda LJ, Wikramanayake TC. Seborrheic dermatitis and dandruff: a comprehensive review. Journal of clinical and investigative dermatology. 2015; 3(2).
  4. Arnold WP. Tar. Clinical Dermatology. 1997; 15: 739-44.
  5. Thami GP, Sarkar R. Coal tar: past, present and future. Clinical and experimental dermatology. 2002; 27(2): 99-103.
  6. WHO Model Prescribing Information – Drugs used in Skin Diseases (1997). Available:
  7. Mueller. Topical dermatological therapy. Small Animal Clinical Pharmacology (Second Edition), 2008 ; 546 – 556. Available:
  8. Roberts DL, et al. Detection of the action of salicylic acid on the normal stratum corneum. British Journal of Dermatology. 1980; 103(2): 191-6.
  9. Krochmal L, et al. Topical corticosteroid compounding: effects on physicochemical stability and skin penetration rate. Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology. 1989; 21(5): 979-84.

ionil T® 消屑易洗頭水

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